Our commitments

Our environmental, economic and social charter

The Hotel Majestic is an emblematic establishment in the city of Bordeaux, welcoming French and international guests for both business and leisure for over a century. After a change of ownership, the hotel embarked on a total renovation from November 2022 to March 2024. Everything was reviewed (structure, decoration, plumbing, electricity, woodwork, layout and delimitation of spaces) to offer quality services, in line with the new CSR challenges.

Download our Environmental Charter

The main lines of our CSR approach

The Majestic Hotel works locally!


Our jams are made near Bordeaux at the E.S.A.T Les ateliers Saint Joseph, which cares for 90 adults with disabilities who are unable to work in an ordinary working environment.

We only use free-range eggs in our preparations.

We have banned plastic bottles and installed a water fountain - still and sparkling - on the ground floor of the hotel. Carafes and glasses are available for guests, and water bottles are available for sale for excursions. Carafes and bottles are produced locally by Bouteilles d'Eau teur and the Mikado agency.

The photos by Yohan Terraza in the hotel lobby were taken by Lebolabo, a Bordeaux studio specialising in fine art prints.

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